Wednesday, July 6, 2016

When you're a GK Chesterton fan

#achievementunlocked 🔑🔓

The subversive story of Christmas

When the ancient world had its religions...

And the early Christians refused to play along with the establishment even to the point of death.

After the Nativity there is no more new or subsequent mythology...

..because mythology is a search.

Paganism always leads to murder and immorality

On comparing the heathenry of Rome and Carthage

If Carthage won the Punic wars

And Moloch's cult spread throughout Europe...

The ancient world sacrificed their children to Moloch

Reading Chesterton for quite some time now, I notice him time and again warn us how society's elites would wage war against 'the Child' (or children). If the ancient world sacrificed its own children for the "gods" to deliver "the goods", how different is mass abortion delivering "convenience".

Materialism which leads to disbelieving in the soul is the precursor to disbelieving in the mind

Materialism which leads to disbelieving in the soul is the precursor to disbelieving in the mind

If Man were meant for material things...

Why do some die willingly without gaining any material thing or even denounce it?

"Economics depends on existence"

More swipe at Marxism

Monday, July 4, 2016

Sunday, July 3, 2016

"I believe (merely upon authority) that the world is round..."

And for your GKC pithy remark of the day. He gives the funniest examples when proving a point.

How I introduce Chesterton to people.. haha

"God himself was subject in childhood to earthly parents..."

"...every other single system is narrow and insufficient compared to this one."

1) Reads The Everlasting Man.
2) Finds a good passage and mutters "check that out"...
3) Highlights sentence.
4) Rinse and repeat.

"The Christian is only worse because it is his business to be better."

"Gossip of the gods"

GKC comments that Myths must not be treated as science because they are more akin to the early drawings of a child. Neither is the myth-teller making a scientific statement about the world but more like the 'gossip of the gods'.

Beatific deluge of Laughter...

“There is philosophy in that vision of the dry world before the beatific Deluge of laughter.” 'Beatific deluge of laughter'. Damn. Anyhow, this is another hilarious paragraph.

Chesterton's train of Thought

This was the first time I read The Everlasting Man. Blown away by Chesterton's train of thought.

Darn good summary about the book.

Darn good Summary of the book.